CRUP: "Country has to decide whether or not to maintain universities'

12/11/2012 14:41


As promised, the Portuguese University Rectors held today at the same time, 12 hours of Portugal, read the document The Future of Universities and Portugal. Reading the Universia followed in Portugal directly to your Facebook
In the statement the Rectors of Portuguese Universities listed that universities' prestige Portugal's position in the World. "
This statement is part of a series of initiatives that the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities (CRUP) will carry out with the aim of raising awareness of the "impending rupture in the framework of university network" especially after the promised 9.4% cut in funding for higher education, provided in the State Budget for 2013.
The rectors understand that "at a time when the country is confronted with a picture of extreme adversity and complexity, which affects the present and imprisons its future" is important to explain the work performed by public universities and "what if Portugal lose the choke their universities. "
The CRUP lists a number of points that elucidate what universities are for Portugal, referring, among others, the "training of highly qualified human resources" and the fact that universities constitute the "only solid basis on which the scientific and technological system national, being decisive for its rejuvenation and sustainability, including financial. "
In the document refers also that universities are "an example of strict management and efficient" that does not contribute to the increase in the public deficit, and prestige that "the position of Portugal in the World."
Given the current bill to the state budget of 2013 the CRUP states that it "will have consequences highly detrimental to the functioning of the universities" in this context and that Portugal will lose in education, research, innovation, internationalization, specialization, cooperation and funding.
At the end of the statement is emphasized again that the Portuguese public universities are "the most promising engine of change that Portugal needs to consolidate to overcome the crisis" and that "without them, the country's future will be much darker and national sovereignty, fueled by assertion of knowledge, will be diminished. "
The document also warns of the fact that between 2005 and 2012, public funding of universities has been reduced by 144 million. If the current proposed state budget for 2013 is approved, this will increase to 200 million euros. On Thursday, the Parliament, the minister promised Nuno Crato mitigate effects of the cuts.
At the end of the joint statement was also informed that the rectors of universities in Portugal will meet up at the University of Coimbra next Friday, the 16th, where, driven by the "absolute need to prevent the disintegration of the Portuguese university system", will make a solemn statement to the country.
Source: Universia Portugal, CRUP